These old AIM products have been replaced |
See AIM replaces Previous Green Barley Powder With BarleyLife for more information. or see BarleyLife
AIM BarleyLife Greater Nutrition, More Affordable, Greater Results!
Allan Nickell, weight lifter
"I have enjoyed weight lifting for over 40 years and have included good foods
as a part of my training regimen throughout that time. Before my workouts,
foods loaded with carbohydrates such as AIM's barley juice powder provide me the
energy needed. AIM's barley juice powder has become indispensable to me as part of
my recuperative, rebuilding phase immediately after my workout."
Harry Sneider, Olympic trainer
"AIM's barley juice powder is one of the finest fitness products that God has
designed not only for athletes training for world class events, but for
good health productivity. There are thousands of people changing to a
healthy lifestyle. They are looking for a complete program. AIM offers
just such a program through the Healthy Cell Concept - stressing a
positive mental attitude, products focusing on healthier cells, and
emphasis on a regular exercise program."
Ryan James Koski, 9 years old from Minnesota
"AIM's barley juice powder- has made such a big difference in my life! At first when my
mom tried to get me to take it, I didn't want anything to do with it. But today, I
wouldn't be without it. Thank you!"
Rod Murray, tri-athlete from Alberta
"AIM's barley juice powder is fantastic! As a tri-athlete,
it has made a phenomenal difference in my endurance and recovery time.
Gretchen Mack, from South Carolina
"BARLEYLIFE is a one-of-a-kind, special gift from the Lord ! "
Mary Ruth Swope, Nutritionist Educator, Author
"The National Research Council has always recommended what any nutrition
textbook will tell you, that you need one serving daily of a dark green leafy or
deep yellow vegetable. Study after study shows that the majority of the
population just doesn't fill this dietary need. BARLEYLIFE is the ideal
way to fill the gap - it is organically grown, all natural, and because of the
wide spectrum of nutrients it contains, I consider it a food with REAL
POWER . . . I don't care if you are in your golden years or in your early
years; I believe you would benefit wonderfully from making
BARLEYLIFE a part of your daily diet."
Barbara Garlington, Pennsylvania
"I was in Atlanta recently at a convention and people kept coming up to me
saying that I keep looking younger every time they see me. I am already a
high energy person, but AIM's barley juice powder has taken me to higher levels
than ever ...what is really important to me about this product is
having the opportunity to help other people. It is reassuring to know that I
can offer them a natural, whole food that is entirely safe yet makes such a
Paul and Edith Boyko, California
"Being 77 and 75 years old respectively, we recognize our dietary needs have
increased over the years. AIM's barley juice powder has been a true Godsend to us and
helped us to stay ahead of several others even younger than us!"
Gloria Duzong, St. Martin
"In the Caribbean we really notice a great benefit with AIM's barley juice powder."
Whitefawn Lewis, Florida
"Being health conscious, I used to juice fresh vegetables for my three children.
They would drink it, but only with the gentle persuasion of a parent, if you know
what I mean, Mixing AIM's barley juice powder with their favorite fruit juice is a
delicious and enjoyable way for them to get the "green" food that I know they
need. They never balk at drinking it. As a matter of fact, they
often remind me that it is time for AIM's barley juice powder!"
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Toll Free: 1-877-735-2121 Phone: 214-340-0379 FAX: (585)492-2287
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