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Jillian Weroski
| Posted on Monday, November 22, 2004 - 12:23 pm: | |
I am in my mid-twenties, in a monogamous relationship and have been so for over 4 years and neither I nor my boyfriend have strayed. Although I've never had children, I, fairly recently (about 9 months ago), started using the copper IUD because I could not, due to medical reasons, use birth control pills anymore, and have so far not had a problem with it ( no intermittant bleeding, extreme cramps, etc). Also, my last period was about a month ago and we have not had sex since before then. Here is my problem: Last week, I started to get minor cramps and had a little bit of slightly bloody discharge and thought I was starting my period (to clear things up, since I went on the IUD, I usually get a little bit of this type of spotting about two days before I actually start my flow. Also, I have noticed that since the IUD as well, I have a LOT more discharge, sometimes in big gobs (my doc had told me it was normal to have more with the IUD because of the strings in the cervix, but I had wondered if others have also experienced this?)) So, I just ended up using a pantiliner and expected to get my period, but it never came. Instead, I had about 5 days of dark bloody-tissuey discharge (the tissuey bits didn't really scare me, as that is how my period has been since the IUD as well. I should also clarify that many years ago, I used to spot when I was ovulating, so I had thought maybe this was that, but even that was only for about 2-3 days, not 5, and not this late after my period (this started about 3 weeks after last period)). Then, towards the end of the week, it started to become thick discharge still, but more of a whitish/yellowish color. So I thought it was clearing itself up. Then, on Friday, after I showered/shaved, upon looking in the mirror and by manually feeling, I realized that the farthest back portion of my outer lips was extremely dry/hard feeling and in between my lips in the same area and around my vaginal opening, especially the side closest to my anus, was quite red. I thought it was irritation, one from the discharge the week before (since there was so much of it) and possibly from the shaving as well (my razor was a little on the dull side, so I ended up with a bit of stubble). I just lotioned myself and figured it would be ok. Later that night, again I found the backend of my outerlips to be very hard and lotioned them again. (sorry, this is the gross part) The next day, I was extremely itchy, and, upon examination, found a thin white/yellow film on the back end of my outer lips which would easily be picked off. I figured it was dried discharge. I was extremely itchy this day as well. Yesterday, (Sunday), again I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable (I felt raw) and itchy, and again, had the dried residue (and again, could pick/peel it off). Also, the discharge was again a bit pinkish that day as well. After deciding I couldn't take it anymore, I went to the store and bought (and used) a Monistat 1 day cure + cream. (Again for clarity's sake, I had been meaning to make an appointment with my doc for my 3rd followup after getting the IUD. I was hoping to call today and possibly get an appointment early in the week and not to do the Monistat and get her opinion, but I couldn't stand the itching anymore. Also, I have had a yeast infection in the past, and it was the same kind of severe itching (although I don't remember what the discharge was like), so that was my reasoning for getting/using the kit). This morning, I had a mixture of Monistat ointment/treatment and blood (slight pinkish tint) on my pantiliner. I don't think I had the dried residue, but that could have been due to the Monistat cream as well. I reapplied some of the cream this morning and have so far (it is around 1pm now) been slightly itchy/burny (but not unbearable and I think the burning feeling is the feeling you get from not scratching something itchy). I made my appointment with my doc today, and the earliest day I could get was Dec. 3 (although they let me know that she has drop in hours on Nov. 24 in the afternoon, so I may just take the second half of the day off of work and wait to hopefully be seen that day. Upon researching this on the web, the only thing I could find (with abnormal discharge) was possibly PID, which scares me to no avail. When I had discussed this with my doc when first getting the IUD, she had said I would definitely know due to the intense abdominal cramping/back pain and fever etc. I felt slightly ill (like a head-cold, but I don't think I had a fever) last Thursday (this would have been after I had the initial spotty/tissuey discharge) but that was only overnight. I have not had abdominal pain (other than the slight cramping at the beginning of the spotting) and I have mild lower back pain, but that I usually have, and it is usually in bed that I notice it (when I end up sleeping on my stomach with my head up on the pillow). However, after reading the symptoms now, I think I may be psychologically more sensitive as well. Anyway, I would greatly appreciate any input on the above, especially if you have experienced it, or from the docs who happen to frequent this forum. Also, those who have experienced PID, if you could let me know what your symptoms were. Again, I hope it's not PID, and again, I have not had sex with my partner for the last month (both of us have been extremely tired from work) and we are completely monogamous. Please replay as soon as possible as I am at my wit's end with this. (I myself feel embarrassed because it is such a touchy/gross topic). Thank you!