Terry and Jean Choy
It was a Christmas gift that started Terry and Jean Choy on their road to the
Chairmans Club. In 1990, a relative gave Terry and Jean two jars of Barleygreen for
Christmas. Although skeptical, they both began using it and were pleased with the renewed
energy they experienced.
"I began selling Barleygreen to my close friends and family just to earn enough to
pay for our Barleygreen usage," Terry explains. "I wasnt really thinking
about building an organization until a neighbor came to me and asked to become an AIM
Member. A doctor had told him that everyone should take Barley-green. He was so
enthusiastic that his business began to grow rapidly. I thought Id better keep up,
so when he began running with his business I began running and building my business in
earnest!" Terry studied and compared many other green food products and came to the
conclusion that "After many comparisons, Barleygreen proved to be the best. I could
promote it with complete confidence."
Terry, a supervisor in the inspection department of a major airline, and Jean, a
teacher, enjoy their careers, but find the AIM business an added dimension to their lives.
Jean comments, "I have been working with young children for my whole teaching career.
I found I had a tendency to catch the flu regularly, but now I only see the doctor for
yearly checkups. More than that I feel Barleygreen is a blessing from the Lord because it
has brought both health and friendships, plus the challenge of helping others."
Terry adds, "I feel AIMs mission and core values are significant. Improving
the quality of peoples lives has become our major focus. If it isnt going to
improve quality of life, we dont do it!"
Terry has worked hard to help his downline Members improve the quality of their lives.
His network of more than 450 active Members, including two Chairmans Club Members,
five Elite Directors, and 62 Directors in his first through sixth generations, is a
tribute to his commitment to improving the quality of others lives. "I advise
my Members to be single-minded; to focus on what really gives them joy in their AIM
business, and not to get distracted by other things," Terry explains.
Becoming a Chairmans Club Member seemed like an unreachable dream when Terry
began actively working his AIM business. "I went to the conventions and saw people
inducted into the Chairmans Club, but thought it was not possible for me." But
after two to three years in the business, Terrys dream became a goal. Still not
confident he could achieve his goal, Terry attended the Toronto, Ontario, regional
convention in 1994. "Simon Léger was my roommate. When the day came to leave, I
found a note on my luggage from Simon that said, Terryabout the
Chairmans ClubYou can do it!! When Jean saw the note, she
enthusiastically agreed. With people believing in me, I decided I could do it and began
working hard to reach the Chairmans Club." That note, which Terry has kept as
an inspiration and memory of Simon (who passed away two years ago), was the catalyst for
Terrys final push for the Chairmans Club.
The past twelve months were not easy, Terry says. "The last year makes me think of
a time when I climbed the Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. The last portion is a
grueling climb up a rock face with the aid of two, cable handrails. All your muscles begin
to burn, and you just have to go on. But when you get to the top, you forget all the
effort. Its GREAT! Thats the way I feel about reaching the Chairmans
For Terry and Jean, the difference between climbing the Half Dome and reaching the
Chairmans Club is that on top of the Half Dome you stop, enjoy the view, and rest.
Terry and Jean do not see reaching the Chair-mans Club as a time to rest. "Now
is the time to press forward. I do not want to lose the momentum we have built over the
last year. Now is the time to reach out to more people than ever before," Terry