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Progesterone Side Effects

      Occasionally reports will come out listing the harmful side effects of "progesterone". Unfortunately the synthetic progesterone counterfeits are too often referred to as progesterone when they are not. The real names for these counterfeits are "synthetic progesterone", "progestin" or "Progesterone Acetate". There are no reports of any significant side effects or health problems associated with the real hormone "Natural Progesterone". As Dr Lee puts it, "the only side effect is that the guy across the room from you will get a little cuter".

Progesterone may also cause some of the following.

  • a feeling of euphoria (based on the amounts used)
  • possible acne upon initial use as body adjusts and estrogen receptors become more sensitive
  • possible suspension of ovulation if used prior to ovulation
  • possible spotting in women just starting menopause
  • alteration of cycle time
  • may prevent sperm maturation in men when used in excess
Also see progesterone effects

In the words of Dr John Lee, M.D. "We know that transdermal progesterone is very affective, very convenient, and very safe. Overdoses do not hurt anybody. They might mess up some bodies period, it could cause the period to change as to when it comes in the month."

Much More on Progesterone

These pages are provided for information only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, sickness or condition. If you require medical assistance please see a nutritionally wise and progesterone friendly health practitioner.

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