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Cravings for Sweets
Facial Hair - Hirsutism

Cravings for Sweets

     Women who find they crave sweets before their period may benefit from the use of progesterone cream. These cravings are often a result of glandular stress which causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. Women have reported the elimination of these cravings after several months of progesterone usage.

Facial Hair - Hirsutism

     Menopausal and menstruating women have reported that after 3-6 months of progesterone usage their facial hair (and body hair) decreased or completely disappeared. Hirsutism is defined as excessive growth of facial and body hair and is usually due to an imbalance between estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone.

Much More on Progesterone

These pages are provided for information only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, sickness or condition. If you require medical assistance please see a nutritionally wise and progesterone friendly health practitioner.

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