Natural Chromium for Diabetics   
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american image marketingGlucoChrom                 Opens Small ' View Prices' Window
great for diabetic health

A major hindrance to a healthy lifestyle revolves around blood sugar levels.
american image marketingGlucoChrom helps you maintain this aspect of your health.

Benefits & Features


  • Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels
  • Helps maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Maintains blood sugar levels that result in consistent energy levels


  • Special LeafBrand barley chromium
  • Patented, synergistic formula

american image marketingGlucoChrom

american image marketingGlucoChrom is a unique combination of chromium, vanadium, bitter melon, and gymnema sylvestre. These substances have been used both traditionally and by health practitioners for years to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Working together, they provide the body with a natural way to balance blood sugar levels.

A daily serving of 2 capsules contains

• 0.394 mg of vanadium citrate, yielding 75 mcg of vanadium

• 450 mg of bitter melon fruit powder

• 500 mg of Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract

• 168 mg of LeafBrand barley, yielding 400 mcg of chromium

LeafBrand chromium—A new type of chromium supplement

american image marketingGlucoChrom is the first AIM product to use a unique and revolutionary method for delivering chromium to the body. This product uses barley grass as a natural delivery system that integrates chromium into the matrix of the plant through a proprietary process. This plant-bound chromium is recognized by the body and is extremely well-absorbed. We are in essence, using the logic of nature and our bodies to achieve this.

In the case of american image marketingGlucoChrom barley grass is grown hydroponically (where nutrition is supplied through liquid rather than soil). At the right time in the growth phase, we use a special process to alter the growing environment and increase the level of chromium. We are thus able to grow barley leaves that contain the amounts of chromium we specify. There is no hybridization or genetic alteration. The chromium we supply from this process is called LeafBrand chromium.

We cannot overestimate the importance of this type of delivery system. Traditionally, many mineral supplements have been made from inorganic minerals—those that have been mined from the earth or developed in a laboratory. Only a small portion of inorganic minerals is assimilated by the human body.

In chelated minerals, the mineral is bound to an organic substance, which adds to assimilation, but how well the substance will be assimilated depends on the chelation process. Most mineral chelates are compounds not normally found in nature and may even be viewed as foreign substances by the body.

In creating our LeafBrand chromium, we use a plant—the ideal mineral factory. Plants take up both inorganic and chelated minerals and convert them to small, water-soluble molecules. Plant-bound minerals have been found to be more soluble in simulated gastric and intestinal fluid and therefore are potentially more bioavailable than other supplements.

american image marketingGlucoChrom, through LeafBrand chromium, provides standardized and easily and efficiently absorbed plant-bound chromium to the body.

How to use

Take 1 capsule 2 times per day. Best taken before meals.

Close tightly after opening and store in a cool, dry, dark place (70-75 °F; 20.1-23.8 °C). Do not refrigerate.

Q & A

Who should use american image marketingGlucoChrom?

Anyone who is at risk for high blood sugar or Type II diabetes should consider using american image marketingGlucoChrom.

Is there anyone who should not use american image marketingGlucoChrom?

Children, pregnant and nursing women, and Type I diabetics should not use american image marketingGlucoChrom. Those withType II diabetes or those taking oral hypoglycemics or insulin should consult a health practitioner before using american image marketingGlucoChrom.

Can I take american image marketingGlucoChrom with other supplements or medication?

Those taking oral hypoglycemics or insulin should consult a health practitioner before using american image marketingGlucoChrom.

Are there any side effects?

No significant side effects have been reported.

Blood sugar

We hear a lot about the harmful effects of a poor diet on our health. We hear about how it leads to obesity, how it can lead to increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, and how it can mean overall poor health due to lack of nutrition. Another risk of an unhealthy diet—especially if it includes large quantities of carbohydrates and simple sugars—is what it does to our blood sugar levels.

Blood sugar is, simply enough, the amount of sugar (glucose) we have in our blood. When we eat, the body breaks down the carbohydrates in foods to produce sugars. The sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream, which carries it to every cell in the body. Blood sugar fuels the cells, providing them with the energy they need to keep us healthy. It is extremely important that blood sugar levels remain consistent and not be too high or too low.

How it works

The amount of sugar in the blood is largely controlled by the hormone insulin. When the body recognizes that we are eating and turning food into sugars, the pancreas secretes insulin. Insulin acts as a travel guide, escorting sugar through the bloodstream and then “knocking on and unlocking the cells’ doors” to allow glucose to enter. When the pancreas, insulin, and the cells are not working in harmony, the result can be diabetes—high levels of blood sugar.


In diabetes, blood sugar levels are too high. There are two reasons for this.

Insulin-dependent diabetes, known as Type I diabetes or juvenile-onset diabetes, is caused by damage to the pancreas. Part of the pancreas, beta cells, manufacture the insulin that escorts blood sugar to the cells. If beta cells are not working, or not working well, you do not produce enough insulin—there are not enough “travel guides” to get the blood sugar to the cells. The result is that the blood sugar remains in the bloodstream—high blood sugar levels.

In noninsulin-dependent diabetes, known as Type II diabetes or adult-onset diabetes, insulin is produced, but the cells remain resistant to it—you might say they keep changing the “locks” so that the insulin cannot bring in the blood sugar. This also results in high blood sugar levels. Type II diabetes is by far the most prevalent, accounting for 90 to 95 percent of all diabetics.

Diabetes and high blood sugar result in frequent urination, extreme thirst, increased appetite, unexplained weight loss, dry skin and frequent skin infections, recurrent vaginitis, blurred vision, fatigue, drowsiness, and nausea. Diabetes has the potential for serious long-term complications that can lead to increased risk for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, visual problems and blindness, slow healing of injuries, kidney failure, and damage to the nervous system.

Support for blood sugar

Healthy blood sugar levels can be maintained through diet and lifestyle changes. Of special interest are the minerals chromium and vanadium and the herbs bitter melon and Gymnema sylvestre.


Chromium is the major mineral involved in insulin production, and a deficiency in this mineral can interfere with the production and utilization of insulin. Indeed, a chromium deficiency can result in three conditions directly related to blood sugar: high blood sugar levels, an inability of the cells to pick up and use blood sugar (impaired glucose tolerance), and higher insulin levels.

Chromium increases the ability of insulin to bind to cells and leads to increased insulin sensitivity of body tissue. This leads to the body being better able to absorb and use the blood sugar. In other words, chromium helps the insulin “travel guide” get to more doors and oils the key that the travel guide uses to unlock our cells to the blood sugar. Studies have indicated that chromium does lower blood sugar and insulin levels in those with Type II diabetes.

The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has noted that current data suggest that chromium supplementation can be useful for people with glucose intolerance, Type II diabetes, gestational diabetes, and steroid-induced diabetes.


Although as early as 1899 it was found that a form of vanadium resulted in a decrease in blood sugar levels, it was not until the late 1970s that vanadium’s insulin-like action was first described. Vanadium may activate insulin receptors—making the cells more receptive to insulin’s “key”—and through this, exert insulin-like action.

This has been supported in two small clinical trials. In one, eight patients with Type II diabetes received 50 mg of vanadium sulfate two times per day for four weeks. The abstract of this study notes that the vanadium was well-tolerated and resulted in modest reductions of blood sugar and hepatic insulin resistance. (Metabolism 45, no. 9 (September 1996): 1,130-5.)

In another small trial, six patients with Type II diabetes were given vanadium. The authors note that after three weeks, insulin sensitivity was improved (J Clin Invest 95, no. 6 (June 1995): 2,501-9). In another trial, the effects of vanadium were compared in moderately obese nondiabetic and Type II diabetic subjects. The authors note in their abstract that “In conclusion, small oral doses of vanadyl sulfate do not alter insulin sensitivity in nondiabetic subjects, but it does improve both hepatic and skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in NIDDM [Type II] subjects in part by enhancing insulin’s inhibitory effect on the breaking down of fats. These data suggest that vanadyl sulfate [vanadium] may improve a defect in insulin signaling specific to NIDDM.” (Diabetes 45, no. 5 (May 1996): 659-66.)

Bitter melon

Bitter melon grows in tropical areas, including parts of the Amazon, East Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and throughout South America. It is used as a food as well as a medicine.

Bitter melon does much the same as chromium: it improves the body’s ability to use blood sugar and improves glucose tolerance—that is, the body’s ability to get the blood sugar into the cells.

In one small study, using 100 ml of bitter melon juice was found to improve glucose tolerance by 73 percent in a standard glucose tolerance test. (J Ethnopharmacology 17 (1986): 277-82). In another small study, an aqueous extract of bitter melon fruit was found to decrease blood sugar levels by 54 percent. (Phytotherapy Res 7, no. 4 (1993): 285-9.)

It also has an important additional benefit: at least one animal study has noted that bitter melon fruit juice results in an increase in the number of beta cells—the cells that produce insulin—in the pancreas of diabetic rats when compared with untreated diabetic rats. The authors of the study suggest that bitter melon may cause a renewal and recovery of the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. (Diabetes Res Clin Pract 40, no. 3 (June 1998): 145-51.)

Gymnema sylvestre

Like chromium and vanadium, Gymnema sylvestre works to help increase glucose tolerance. Like bitter melon, it may help the pancreas produce insulin.

Gymnema has been used with patients suffering from both Type I and Type II diabetes. In one study with 27 Type I diabetic patients, the Gymnema extract reduced the insulin requirements and lowered the fasting blood glucose levels. The abstract notes that gymnema extract enhances the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin, possibly by regeneration/revitalization of the residual beta cells in Type I diabetes. (J Ethnopharmacol 30 (1990): 281-94.)

An animal study supports this. In diabetic rat pancreas, extracts of Gymnema were able to double the islet number (clumps of pancreatic cells) and beta cell number (insulin-producing cells). These results show that Gymnema may improve the health of the pancreas. (J Ethnopharmacol 30 (1990): 265-79.)

As far as Type II diabetes goes, in one study, Gymnema extract was administered for 18 to 20 months to 22 Type II diabetic patients taking conventional medication. All the patients showed a significant reduction in blood sugar levels, and five of the 22 diabetic patients were able to maintain their blood sugar levels without conventional drugs. Similar to the above studies, the results also showed higher levels of insulin in the blood, indicating that the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas may be regenerated/repaired in Type II diabetic patients on Gymnema supplementation. (J Ethnopharmacol 30 (1990): 295-300.)       Opens Small ' View Prices' Window

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