Better Health through Better Nutrition
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What you eat directly affects your health.
Make healthy choices today!
Alpine Garlic
CoQ10 Plus
Magnesium & DHEA
Stress Herbs
Glucosamine & MSM
Diabetic Health
Veggie Juice Trio
Herbal Fiberblend
Colon Cleansing

Parasites?? Para90!
Digestive Enzymes
For Men
Beet Juice
Renewed Balance Cream
HumiKleanse - heavy metal detox

AIM replaces Barleygreen with BarleyLife


american image marketingBARLEYLIFE Made from the juice of young barley leaves, BarleyLife contains a wide spectrum of naturally occuring nutrients, vitamins, mineral, enzymes, protein, chlorophyll, antioxidants and more. Available in powder or veggie capsules you can conveniently experience what no other nutritional product has to offer. It is simply the best and most affordable barley juice product available. Reports of nutritional benefits abound from around the world.  BarleyLife Information.

 american image marketingHERBAL FIBERBLEND - 17 different Herbs in a psyllium base. Outstanding for cleansing the colon without fasting and colonic irrigation. Results in a balanced assimilation of food and a more thorough evacuation of waste.  Herbal Fiberblend info

american image marketingRENEWED BALANCE - Made from natural ingredients Renewed Balance contains natural progesterone Many women report outstanding benefits since 1996 when this product became available. Highly appreciated, highly recommended.   More information on Renewed Balance

american image marketingJUST CARROTS - All the nutrition of freshly juiced carrots without the hassle of juicing! Simply mix the crystals with water or pop a few caplets. Thousands of juicers get stored away in closets when folks realize they don't have at least 30 minutes a day to juice carrots. Even for those who do juice each day, Just Carrots provides a way to have carrot juice at work or when out of town. Try Just Carrots mixed with BarleyLife. More information on Just Carrots.


BarleyLife - You will FEEL the difference! It is that good!
american image marketingBarleyLife
A Super Food!

american image marketingHerbal Fiberblend
for digestive health

american image marketing Renewed Balance
Natural Progesterone

american image marketing Just Carrots
Carrot Juice without juicing

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Loren & Kathy Schiele
8733 Fawn Drive Dallas TX 75238
Phone: 214-340-0379

Your Independent AIM Products Distributor

 "AIM products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat,
mitigate, or prevent a disease or illness. Results may vary per person"

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