Herbal Fiberblend - Fiber and Herbal Detoxification
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AIM HERBAL FIBERBLEND         Opens Small ' View Prices' Window
Outstanding Professional Fiber and Herb formula

    Fiber is now recognized to
    • reduce the risk of colon cancer
    • reduce the risk of appendicitis
    • reduce the risk of diverticulosis
    • maintain regularity
    • prevent constipation
    • lower cholesterol (water soluble fiber)
    • be beneficial in weight loss programs

    The Herbs in Herbal Fiberblend are widely recognized to
    • bring powerful detoxification effects
    • be beneficial to the digestive organs
    Fiberblend is
    • Used by numerous Colon Therapists
    • Recommended by a number of Chiropractors and health practitioners
    • An important part of the Hallelujah Diet
See Herbal Fiberblend for product information.

Why cleanse?

Toxins undermine our health. Elson Haas, M.D., in his book Staying Healthy with Nutrition, defines a toxin simply as "any substance that creates irritating and/or harmful effects in the body, undermining our health or stressing our biochemical or organ functions."

More specifically, a body overloaded with toxins can result in a number of symptoms. These include constipation, stomach bloat, poor digestion, gas, fatigue, weight gain, excessive mucus, poor concentration, headaches, poor skin, poor memory, depression, body odor, and bad breath.

Some health practitioners relate toxins to specific diseases. R.A. Buist, M.D., (International Clinical Nutrition; 1988; 8:4) states that chronic fatigue syndrome may be related to toxin exposure. Multiple chemical sensitivity and fibromyalgia (muscle and joint pain) may also be environment-related diseases. Indeed, there is a new medical category, clinical ecology, which deals exclusively with how toxins in the environment affect our health.


The body does have a system in place for detoxifying these harmful toxins. The most important cleansing organ is the liver. Eliminative channels include the bowels (the digestive system), kidneys, skin, lungs, and lymphatic system.

When the body is doing its job, and is not overburdened with toxins, the blood carries toxins to the liver, which uses enzymes to detoxify the harmful substances. They are rendered harmless or converted into a water-soluble form that is then eliminated via the urine or feces.

Unfortunately, this system can handle only so many toxins and was designed for "natural" toxins, not the man-made ones we have to deal with today.

You’ll find that using AIMHerbal Fiberblend™ results in maintained digestive health and renewed energy.


The ingredients in AIMHerbal Fiberblend™ work together to help your body help itself. Following are the names of the herbal ingredients.

Alfalfa, Black walnut hulls*, Cascara sagrada*, Hibiscus flower, Irish moss, Licorice root, Marshmallow root, Mullein, Oatstraw, Passionflower, Psyllium, Pumpkin seeds*, Shavegrass, Slippery elm bark, Violet, Witch hazel, Yucca.         Opens Small ' View Prices' Window

Suggested Reading

  • Jensen, Bernard. Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management. Escondido, CA: Bernard Jensen. 1981. (619) 749-2727.
  • Lorenzani, Shirley S. Dietary Fiber. New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, Inc. 1988.
  • Schumacher, Teresa, and Toni Schumacher Lund. Cleansing the Body and the Colon for a Happier and Healthier You.

  • Castleman, Michael. The Healing Herbs. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press. 1991.Lust, John.
  • The Herb Book. New York: Bantam Books. 1974.Ody, Penelope.
  • The Complete Medicinal Herbal. New York: Dorling Kindersley. 1993.


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