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All other countries click here. All over the world people are turning to good nutritious whole food products for improved health and it is working. People are getting their health back through improved diets and exercise. AIM New Zealand offers the opportunity to get world class products and if desired to earn an income helping others improve their health. Become an AIM New Zealand Wholesale Member and order product directly from AIM.To sign up as an AIM Member please call the AIM office in East Tamaki New Zealand office toll free at 0800-480-333 , tell them you would like to sign up as a member and give them our ID number, 343417 and the name Loren Schiele as your sponsor. Membership is FREE with a minimum order of 50 points or more. Upon sign up you will receive an a packet of information with an assortment of useful information on AIM, the commission plan, ordering product, building an AIM business and more. Six times a year you'll receive the AIM "Partners" magazine. There is a number of sales tools available from AIM including product data sheets, audio and video tapes and nutritional books. Sign up using our ID number, 343417, and if desired you can be listed here as a contact person for folks wanting product and to become AIM Members in New Zealand. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have. To become an AIM Wholesale Member the following information is required.
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